Monday, July 18, 2011

regaining sensation

i got kind of lazy with posting, but things pretty much stabilized after my last post. however, over the weekend, my teeth began hurting pretty bad. i'm sure it's from being banded together for so long. it feels like i went to the orthodontist, got braces put on, and then had those braces over-tightened all in the same day! i try to keep ice packs and tylenol in my daily routine. 
i still have a lot of nerve pains and sensations, especially in my chin. the unscratchable itches are still on and all around my nose, and my mouth still hurts from the surgical hooks. the only difference now is that i'm getting the feeling back in lots more places, so i can actually feel the discomfort. i have to remind myself that this is part of the healing process and, no matter how unpleasant, is a sign of progress. 
yesterday, i was putting wax on my hooks and reached too far back into the left side of my mouth trying to cover a particularly irritating hook. i felt my fingernail snag on what i'm pretty sure is a stitch, and it HURT! this morning i woke up at 7:30am in so much pain that i couldn't get back to sleep for almost an hour. where my nail snagged felt like fire, especially when i moved my mouth, and my molars and jaw were throbbing. i got up, took some tylenol, and finally went back to sleep. when i woke up, my cheek still hurt really bad, so i went in to have dr. jackrit check it out. i'm glad i did, because he said i had cut my cheek! he gave me some topical numbing gel and told me it would heal on its own, and to cut my fingernails (haha). 
so everything still hurts, but i'm sure i'm going to be fine very soon. i get my bands off next friday! thank god! they will leave the arch wires on for another week after that, and then if all goes well, i will be free! 
i've been getting pretty restless lately. i want to go outside and do things...unfortunately, it's 90-something degrees and almost 100% humidity (typical ohio summer), so i'm stuck inside because it's disgusting out there.  my friends have been coming to hang out and are helping to keep me sane! 
soup and shakes are definitely played out at this point. i still eat them, but i've become much more adventurous with what i will put into a blender. some of my absolute favorites so far are: stouffer's mac n cheese, green beans with cream of mushroom soup (tastes just like green bean casserole), dunkin donuts bacon egg and cheese croissant, and of course, mashed potatoes. i want to try veggie fried rice tonight or tomorrow. it's really amazing what foods you can turn into liquid! 
so, about two weeks post op, here's how my face looks: 
 all smiles, of course...even though it still looks a little silly :)
 its pretty difficult to close my mouth. and i see that my lovely italian nose wasn't altered by the surgery...sigh

i have slight scarring around my lips on the sides, which is what the darker areas are. i bought some bio-oil and hopefully they'll go away, because they don't look very nice. also, my nose is still heading to the right (thanks Tresa for reassuring me that it will straighten out!) but, 90% of the swelling is gone, and i have no more bruising, so i think i look pretty great at this point! 
question: my wonderful boyfriend wants to take me to the state fair. now, i realize there are other things to do there besides eat everything. however, i think it might be close to torture to not be able to have corn on the cob or deep fried oreos or anything...should i go? i do want to see the animals and the other neat i can't wait to eat real food again...
***UPDATE***: vegetable fried rice smoothie = AMAZING!!!


  1. Yes go to the state fair!! You will have fun and when you can eat corn on the cob you will enjoy it that much more! I had marks on the sides of my face for a while but they faded over time. I noticed that you don't have braces, how does the arch wire stay in place? The phantom itching does go away but will drive you mad in the meantime!! Thanks for your posting about the horse riding!! I love that you are studying to be an equine therapist. I notice more and more that people are searching out alternative healing, and horse therapy seems to be a stellar modality! My little sydnie is at the stables as I type riding her little pony and loving every minute! I think its an intuitive love that calls out to the soul! Hang in there, you look fabulous, and I love your italian nose!

  2. P.S.
    has anyone ever told you that your eyes are simply stunning?
