Friday, July 1, 2011

i look like an english bulldog.

i went to dr. jackrit's today and he took the tape bandages off of my face. thank god, because those things were itchy and driving me crazy!!! then he banded my jaws shut. wow. what a restricting procedure. i can't talk at all now, and i kind of drool now. awesome, right?
my poor mom is trying to help me eat with syringes. she blended up cream of mushroom soup, chicken broth and whole milk and tried to help me get it down. first thing i did was spill it down the front of me. now, when i swallow, i can feel the pull on my teeth and it HURTS! also, for some reason, the right side of the roof of my mouth gets a really sharp pain in it when i swallow food or drinks (they're both drinks at this point i guess). i only got a couple of tablespoons down and i'll have to try again later. does anyone have any tips on how to stop the pulling feeling?
so about looking like a bulldog. these pictures are gross. but fortunately, i'm not even half as bruised as all the other people's pictures i've seen, and my doctor was amazed that i'm up and about and so with it. but here you go, day three:

see the resemblance?

those are my bands. i have stitches in the very front of my mouth so that's some braces wax i slapped on there to keep them from catching on the surgical hooks.

after dr. jackrit took my bandages off, all the swelling dropped down and hid my chin again :( i know it'll be back though, i just know it! *ice packs*
i really just can't wait for this four weeks of bands to be over. i hope i get used to eating like this, because i really don't have 10-15 pounds to lose. wish me luck! 


  1. Hi, Hillary...Just found your blog! I can't wait to see your post-op progress. Wishing you the best of luck!!

    Happy Healing!

  2. Sorry I spelled your name incorrectly, Hilary.
