Friday, July 1, 2011

2 days post-op: morning update

wooow. i could NOT sleep last night. the pain in my jaw is still tolerable, but for some bizarre reason the outside of my nose ITCHES LIKE CRAZY!!! i feel like i've gone through half a tube of hydrocortisone cream. i woke up really frequently to try to scratch it, but my face is mostly numb from my eye sockets down. i wonder how something so numb can itch so bad? it means i can't get any relief from scratching it, that's for sure. also last night, my face got really red and hot with the swelling and the only thing that helped was my ice pack. i have a feeling i'm going to need another one.
my face is swelling still. i feel like the insides of my cheeks are fusing to my surgical hooks. i go in to see dr. jackrit at 2pm, and he'll wire my jaw shut. i don't know if i'm looking forward to this or not. i can't close my mouth by myself at this point, and with all the nosebleeds i hope i can breathe. 
i'm trying REALLY hard to stay positive, because i know i have a long road ahead of me, and with everything good, it will probably get worse before it gets better. i just have to keep the end result in sight and not let myself sink too far into bummer city. i think as soon as the massive, hideous swelling in my lips goes down, i'll feel better. 
things i've already learned:
1. get used to dumping your drinks all over yourself. 
2. get used to yicky breath. 
3. before you pull at a piece of dead skin on your lip, be absolutely sure it's not a stitch.
4. ice packs are your friends. 
5. liquid medicine tastes awful, and i wish i had more diloted instead of this wussy loritab crap.
thanks for reading, and i'll update again this evening when i have the wires in. much love!

1 comment:

  1. Ohh hang in there, this is all so normal!! The first week is by far the worst. I was so sick from the liquid pain meds. check my earlier blog postings.. The memory is so fresh for me, I remember the hot face. I melted icepacks in 20 min. It gets better!!!

    hugs to you...
